How to create a Music Player application using Django

Django Music Player app with Python

In this Python Django tutorial, we will learn How to create a Music Player using Python Django. We will create this Python Django Music player with a song list where we can add and remove songs using the Django database. We will build this Django music player with models, forms, and templates in Python using …

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Django Programming Error Column does not exist.

Django Programming error

In this Python Django Tutorial, we are going to discuss the most common Django error Django Programming Error Column does not exist that we face generally when we register models in our Python Django project. Recently when working on a Django Project, I faced this error so, we will learn how to fix the Django …

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integrity error in django

Django Integrity error

In this Python Django Tutorial, we will discuss a Django error that is generally faced by developers while creating a Django project. We will see the reasons for the occurrence of this Django IntegrityError so that we can avoid those mistakes in future projects and we will also learn how to fix this error. We …

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Python Django “Template does not exist” error

Template Does Not Exist Error

In this Python Django tutorial we are going to discuss the most common Django error we get when we build an application i.e. Python Django “Template does not exist at app_name“. We will learn to fix this error as well as we will try to understand the reasons for its occurrence so that we can …

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How to parse JSON in Python Django

JSON parse in Python Django

In this Python Django tutorial, we will learn about JSON and how to parse it in Python Django. What is JSON JSON stands for Javascript Object Notation. It is a text format for storing and transporting data and it is also considered a “self-describing” function because it is easy to understand. It is used to …

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Order a Query in descending and ascending in Python Django

Order a Query in descending and ascending in Python Django

In this Python Django tutorial, we will discuss how to arrange or sort the data in Django in ascending and descending order. We will use the order_by query set to arrange the data in increasing and decreasing order and we will also discuss the logic to implement the order_by function. How to order a Query …

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Python Django “Module not found” error.

Django Module Not Found Error

In this Python Django tutorial, we are going to discuss the most common error i.e. Python Django “Module not found” error we face this error while building up our Python Django project. There are several reasons why we get this error while running our Django server. In further steps, we will discuss the reasons for …

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What is Python __init__ method [With Examples]

Python __init__ class

In this Python tutorial, we will discuss the __init__ method in Python. We will have an overview of the following topics of Python __init__ method, which are as follows. What is __init__ in Python? In Python __init__ method is used to define a constructor of a class method. A constructor method contains a group of …

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Python Dictionary Methods

Python Dictionary Methods

Below are the Python Dictionary methods and each method is explained with examples. method description len() This function returns the number of items in the dictionary. dict() This method is used to create a dictionary in Python. clear() This method removes all items from the dictionary. copy() This method returns a copy of a dictionary …

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Python dictionary dict() method [With Examples]

Python dictionary dict method

In this Python tutorial, we will discuss everything about the Python Dictionary dict() method. I will also show you, the syntax of dict() dictionary method and how to use the dictionary dict() method with a few examples. Python dictionary dict() method The dict() method in Python is a built-in function used for creating dictionaries. A dictionary in Python …

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