If Condition In Django Template

If Condition In Django Template

In this Django tutorial, I will explain the use of the if condition in Django template. I will show some examples of the use cases of an if-else statement in a Django template. HTML pages are static in nature. However, Django templates can make a page dynamic using various techniques. To render the dynamic data …

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Pyramid vs. Django: Know the Difference

Pyramid vs. Django: web frameworks

In this Python Django tutorial, you will understand about Pyramid vs. Django. I will explain “What is Pyramid and Django frameworks?”. Then, you will learn about the features of these frameworks, and after that, I will explain the key difference between Pyramid and Django. After going through this tutorial, you will have a better understanding …

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Print Django Environment Variables

django print environment variables

In this Python Django tutorial, I will explain what are environment variables in Django and how to print django environment variables. Django environment variables The environment variables are variables that store sensitive information related to the project or applications. Modern web projects or applications are required to access sensitive information such as API keys, Database …

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How to Install Django on Different Platform

How to install Django in Windows

In this Python Django tutorial, you will learn How to install Django on different Platform. Where you will also understand about the command pip that is used install and uninstall the python package in Django. Also you will learn how to create a virtual environment and why it is important. In that virtual environment, you …

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What is Python Django?

Python Django Workflow

In this Python Django tutorial, I will explain to you what is python Django with its history. Then you will learn “What is Python Django used for?”. After this, I will explain to you the features of Django with its architecture. Finally, you will understand which companies use the Django framework. By the end of …

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Django vs ReactJS: Which one is Best

Which one is Best ReactJS or Django

In this Python Django tutorial, you will understand Django vs ReactJS. Where you will learn about “What is Django and React?”. Then you will understand the advantages and disadvantages of Django and ReactJS. After that, I will explain you advantages and disadvantages of ReactJS with Django. So in this article, you’ll go through some of …

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Change Django Version in Python

python django specific version

In this Django tutorial, you will understand about how to change the Django version. First, you will learn ‘What is the reason behind changing the Django version?’. After that, you will understand how to check the current version of installed Django using different methods. Then I will show you how to change the Django version to …

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Compare two integers in Python Django

compare two integers in view

In this Python Django tutorial, I will show you How to compare two integers in Python Django. First, you will understand about different operators that you can use to compare the integers in Python Django. After that, I will explain to you how to compare two integers in the Django view function. Finally, you will …

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